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   In my mind are words with lives of their own; for them to live others must be allowed to read them and give the words a chance to live in the minds and the imagination of those who read the stories I tell. The stories I tell are of people who may have existed in some time and other place. Will I ever know if they ever really existed? No, yet I feel their stories are still worth being told. When I sit down to write I open my mind and allow my thoughts to be unlocked and flow onto the pages in front of me. The release and freedom that writing gives me is like no other. It is like all the problems of the world, all the problems in my world no longer exist. This is a world I myself create, a world where not everything is as it seems yet it has meaning and has a way of making those who read my words wanting for more than the real world has to offer. A way of making imaginations want for a different time and give them a hope for better than the real world has to offer. I am inspired by the thought of others reading my work and getting the chance to see my vision and to share in my imagination. I write not for me but in the hope that others will gain some enjoyment from reading what my mind has unleashed upon the pages. I am simply inspired to entertain and to give what I get from writing. I write hoping to give some escape to those who read the stories I write. 

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